As well as being experienced Chartered IT Professionals with decades of experience, staff at Esferico are also qualified teachers and trainers with many years of experience in FE, HE and corporate training environments.

Our staff are able to deliver courses from existing material in Object Oriented Programming, Systems Analysis, PHP and Cloud programming and Database Design; as well as other more bespoke courses on other programming and design topics.

Several of our staff currently lecture on University HE degree courses.

Combined OPAC

Past library management designs require several applications: some small, some large and some ridiculuously huge for the job that they do. Pergamon combines it all into one with a combined OPAC system.


Cross Platform

Esferico utilise a constant cross-platform philosophy in developing our products: clients should not have to be at a disadvantage just because they have chosen to use a different operating system to everybody else.



Pergamon supports military grade encrypted standalone, intra- and internet based networked RDBMS databases out of the box using internationally SQL standards with ever-expanding reporting options.


Ease of Use

The Pergamon range of products utilises a single-installation, multiple level approach to deliver a functional experience, while at the same time allowing the ability to scale the product range...