Featured - Reader Updates

Reader Updates

With the Covid-19 restrictions that have been in place around the country, schools have seen various delays this year in updating their Readership records for students moving up in years, and the new intake records. This can also be a confusing time, as this is typically something that librarians do only once a year and never look at the BISON functions again for another 12 months!

Remember that we are there to help - we can perform the updates for you.

  • If you are a desktop user, just send us your data files in an encrypted package and we will send the updated database back to you by return - you may even want to do this at the end of a day, so that the email is waiting for you when you get in the next day.
  • If you are a Mystic user, just upload your data files into the BISON facility within Mystic, then drop us a line. We will logon and do the update for you immediately.

Remember that when you ask for your update files, try to get the reader's first and last name, any school admission number, their data of birth and of course their new class - while we can often match readers on name, this is by nature not a unique field! With the DoB and admission number, we can ensure that the reader's match perfectly!

Bases de datos

Pergamon soporta bases de datos RDBMS en red, autónomas, encriptadas con cifras militares y basadas en Internet, utilizando los estándares internacionales de SQL con opciones de informes cada vez más extensas.

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Facilidad de uso

La gama de productos Pergamon utiliza un enfoque de instalación única, de múltiples niveles para ofrecer una experiencia funcional y, al mismo tiempo, permite escalar la gama de productos ...

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OPAC Combinado

En el pasado los diseños de gestión de bibliotecas requieren varias aplicaciones: algunas pequeñas, algunas grandes y otras ridículamente enormes para el trabajo que realizan. Pergamon combina todo en uno con un sistema OPAC combinado.

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Esferico utiliza una constante filosofía multiplataforma en el desarrollo de nuestros productos: los clientes no deben estar en desventaja simplemente porque han elegido utilizar un sistema operativo diferente para todos los demás.

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