Featured - Mystic

Mystic Conversions

We are very pleased to say that Pergamon users have been converting to Mystic regularly over the last few months - aided by the ability to upload their existing databases directly into the Mystic environment and making them live from the Mystic login page.

Mystic was designed from the very beginning to be an online version of the desktop Pergamon application, duplicating as far as possible the layout, feel and capabilities of its desktop cousin while adding some new features along the way. Existing Pergamon users can therefore upgrade to the online multi-user application and use as many simultaneous logins as they need from both within the organisation and from home and without any additional training required.

While we would love to see as many people move over to Mystic as possible as it helps increase both the ease and speed of support by both Esferico and the regional Library Services, there is of course no pressure to do so - Pergamon Desktop will be supported as long as there are users wanting to use the locally installed systems.

Bases de datos

Pergamon soporta bases de datos RDBMS en red, autónomas, encriptadas con cifras militares y basadas en Internet, utilizando los estándares internacionales de SQL con opciones de informes cada vez más extensas.

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Facilidad de uso

La gama de productos Pergamon utiliza un enfoque de instalación única, de múltiples niveles para ofrecer una experiencia funcional y, al mismo tiempo, permite escalar la gama de productos ...

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OPAC Combinado

En el pasado los diseños de gestión de bibliotecas requieren varias aplicaciones: algunas pequeñas, algunas grandes y otras ridículamente enormes para el trabajo que realizan. Pergamon combina todo en uno con un sistema OPAC combinado.

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Esferico utiliza una constante filosofía multiplataforma en el desarrollo de nuestros productos: los clientes no deben estar en desventaja simplemente porque han elegido utilizar un sistema operativo diferente para todos los demás.

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